Tagliatelle Oil Porcini And Parsley

I n g r e d i e n t s

  • 1/2 kg flour
  • 5 eggs
  • 100g Extra virgin olive oil (Ingredients for seasoning)
  • 500g Porcini mushrooms (Ingredients for seasoning)
  • 1 clove Garlic (Ingredients for seasoning)
  • Parsley  (Ingredients for seasoning)
  • salt (Ingredients for seasoning)

I n s t r u c t i o n s

  • For the tagliatelle, pour the flour into a bowl, break the eggs in the center, beat with a fork, and as soon as the eggs have absorbed some of the flour, continue kneading by hand until the dough is smooth. Continue kneading the dough for at least 10 to 15 minutes until it has a smooth and elastic consistency.
  • Then form into a ball and wrap it in plastic wrap. Let the dough rest at room temperature for at least 30 minutes.
  • Then divide it into three parts. Flour one part thoroughly and flatten it, keep the other two portions in the foil so they won't dry out. Take the dough-pulling machine and set it to thickness No. 1 and pass the dough ball between the rollers to obtain a rather thick first sheet, then fold the two edges of the sheet towards the center to give it a more regular shape then flour it lightly and pass it again between the rollers, continue in this way several times until you reach thickness No. 8. Lay the resulting sheet on the floured pastry board even out the ends with a knife to make the dough regular then divide it into two parts.
  • Run it through the pasta machine again to thickness #8 Sprinkle a little semolina on both sides, take one sheet, fold one flap up to about two-thirds then start rolling it up creating a very flat, holding the closure upward. Cut the roll of dough into 7-mm-thick slices.
  • Take the tagliatelle from the ends lay the tagliatelle on your hand then roll around your fingers to create a nest and lay it on the lightly floured pastry board.
  • Continue until all the dough is finished. Your tagliatelle are ready; all you have to do is bake them.
  • Sauté oil with crushed garlic, remove it, add porcini mushrooms let brown, after cooking the tagliatelle drain and turn them in the garlic-scented mushrooms with the flame off add chopped parsley and if you like some fresh chili pepper. Serve hot.

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